Macron questioned during crowd bath in Le Havre

Macron questioned during crowd bath in Le Havre

Emmanuel Macron met the French people in Le Havre, where he was on a trip to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the Liberation of the city on Thursday, September 12. A person then called out to him and expressed his incomprehension regarding his decision to dissolve the National Assembly, believing that the head of state had then not “respected the result of the legislative elections.”

“I think you have cut down a part of the people of France,” the person believes.

Before launching: “You are the hostage of the National Rally”.

To which Emmanuel Macron replied: “There are no hostages, it’s a democracy, we try to listen to everyone and respect everyone.”

“No one is a hostage to anyone. It is the French people who have expressed themselves,” said the President of the Republic, stressing that more than 10 million people voted for the National Rally.

The head of state then called on the various “political forces” to make “compromises”. “Especially those who agreed on the second round, the republican forces, they must work together even if they do not agree on certain things”, he added, pointing to an “unprecedented situation”.

Emmanuel Macron was slow to appoint a Prime Minister after the legislative elections and finally chose the Republican Michel Barnier after multiple consultations with the different political parties. A decision that attracted the wrath of the New Popular Front, which came out on top in the legislative elections and which had presented Lucie Castets as a candidate for Matignon.

According to former President of the Republic François Hollande, the National Rally (RN) “gave a form of approval” for the nomination of Michel Barnier. There is a near certainty that, if Michel Barnier was able to be appointed by the president, “it is because the RN, precisely the extreme right, gave a form of approval”, François Hollande had analyzed at the time. Marine Le Pen herself had affirmed that the president had “taken into account the RN’s criteria”.

According to a survey conducted by the Elabe institute for BFMTV on Wednesday, September 11, 68% of French people believe that Michel Barnier will be forced to take into account the wishes of the RN in the policies he will pursue.



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