What American leadership for the world after the presidential election?
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What American leadership for the world after the presidential election?

EDITORIAL – What can we learn from the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump regarding foreign policy? Not much, and yet. The two have very different visions of the position that the United States should have on the international stage, while the conflict in Gaza is one of the concerns of voters.

Donald Trump’s silence on Ukraine was deafening. Not once during the debate with Kamala Harris on Tuesday night did he mention the essential support for Kiev’s resistance and refused to even say whether he wanted her to win. Clearly on the defensive, his teeth clenched, he did not look at Kamala Harris while she stressed the need to maintain a broad coalition. “Otherwise, Putin would be installed in kyiv with his eyes on the rest of Europe, starting with Poland,” explained the Democratic candidate who, as also on Gaza, is in line with continuity without explaining how she could do better than Joe Biden to achieve a ceasefire.

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Foreign policy was certainly not the focus of the confrontation between the two candidates for the White House. The exchanges on the argument were brief, rather conventional, but lively. The Democratic candidate affirmed that Vladimir Putin did not “would make short work of it” of Donald Trump, whom she described as a leader that the “dictators” would know ” manipulate “. Donald Trump retorted on the Middle East, claiming that if his opponent becomes president, ” Israel will no longer exist within two years.

Trump’s unilateralism versus Harris’ ‘exceptionalism’

Both of them thought first and foremost of their electorate. CThere were nevertheless two opposing visions of America on this crucial subject for Europeans as well as for the rest of the world. On the one hand, the isolationism or at least the unilateralism of a Donald Trump focused above all on America first. An America that must think above all of itself and its interests and demands in particular, partly rightly, that Europeans pay for their defense. The four years of the Trump presidency were an illustration of this with the withdrawal from treaties such as the Paris Agreement on climate or the[…]

- challenges.fr

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