Michel Barnier for a Ministry of Immigration? The Left is Howling, Matignon is Temporizing
DayFR Euro

Michel Barnier for a Ministry of Immigration? The Left is Howling, Matignon is Temporizing

POLITICS – While Michel Barnier has not given up on recruiting left-wing figures into his government, the thought he is being given regarding an immigration ministry is unlikely to make his task any easier. Indeed, on Monday, September 9, franceinfo reported from concordant sources that the new Prime Minister is considering creating a portfolio specifically dedicated to this issue.

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According to public radio, the recruitment process for a chief of staff has already begun. The possible creation of this ministry, which is reminiscent of the one dedicated to “Immigration, Integration, National Identity and Solidarity Development” under Nicolas Sarkozy (then abolished in 2010) unsurprisingly provoked an outcry among the troops of the New Popular Front.

« Emmanuel Macron wanted Jordan Bardella to be Prime Minister “, reacted on X the LFI deputy of Vaucluse, Raphaël Arnault. “ The legitimization of the RN by the “republican” right continues. This is extremely serious: the voters clearly said on July 7 that they did not want the extreme right and its ideas. “, added her environmentalist colleague Sophie Taillé-Polian. Michel Barnier or Marine Le Pen? “, asks Charles Fournier, Green MP for Indre-et-Loire. What a political mistake, what an indignity,” LFI representative René Pilato gets carried away, seeing this initiative as a ” unheard of violence against those returning to the polls in order to make the RN lose! ».

“Absolutely nothing has been decided”

Near the HuffPostthe entourage of the head of government is temporizing, affirming that he is ” faux ” to affirm that Michel Barnier has made his decision on the subject. ” Absolutely nothing has been decided “, continues his team, without however formally denying this hypothesis. It should be noted that such an initiative would not be incompatible with the ideas defended in the past by Michel Barnier.

In September 2021, just a few months after leaving Brussels and in the midst of the race for the LR nomination for the presidential election, he castigated the European Court of Justice, believing that in matters of immigration it was necessary to “ regain our legal sovereignty”The former European Commissioner also proposed a referendum on immigration, the establishment of annual visa quotas, the tightening of access to social assistance and the elimination of State Medical Aid (AME) “ except emergency ».

Also see on Le HuffPost:

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