Do Americans Eat What You See in TikTok’s Absurd Recipes? An American Woman’s Answer
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Do Americans Eat What You See in TikTok’s Absurd Recipes? An American Woman’s Answer

RECIPE – Chips covered in chili, cheese, cream, hot dogs, salad… All cooked in a huge aluminum pan. Doesn’t that make you want it? Yet these meals that Americans prepare in recipe videos have accumulated millions of views on TikTok. Le HuffPost asked an American woman if people in the United States really ate like that.

Parenting in the United States or France: These American mothers tell the differences

« Oh my God “, can’t help but say Jessie Kanelos Weiner in front of one of the posts we showed her. The illustrator and humorist is American but she has lived in France for 16 years. As you can see in the video at the top of the articlewe presented him with four recipe videos, all very different from what we cook on this side of the Atlantic.

Fireworks on the plate

« She starts by cooking meatballs and adds barbecue sauce and grape jam. “, describes Jessie, already disgusted by the recipe of a childminder. ” At least it’s homemade. That’s always the thing in the US, we think that since it’s homemade it’s healthy, but in reality it’s processed food. ” she explains.

In this recipe, as in those of the following videos, there are many very different elements, and always a base of spices, fat and sugar, in large quantities. The French look for the best ingredient, the subtlety, while Americans look for fireworks when they eat, with lots of flavors and lots of flavor enhancers. “, explains the young woman.

Not the same food resources

Some of the videos we show Jessie are clearly created for social media, and it’s unlikely that Americans would actually eat these absurd dishes. But others are very representative of what’s eaten across the Atlantic. People don’t have access to fresh produce, there is a desert of supermarkets or markets. And even when you find apples for example, they are expensive and not good. ” laments Jessie.

« It’s a different culture, Americans don’t take the time to cook three times a day. And when they cook, it’s often “cupboard recipes” where they open their cupboard and take everything they can find to mix it all together, it’s more practical “, she enlightens us.

The adopted Parisian has been able to leave canned goods and processed products aside. But she hasn’t forgotten American recipes and takes advantage of the resources at her disposal to treat her son who loves Marshmallow Rice Krispie Treats.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

Parenting in the United States or France: These American mothers tell the differences

The Olympic “Crous muffins” are sold for $10 in New York and you have to wait in line for two hours to taste them.


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