Human Rights Minister sacked for sexual harassment
DayFR Euro

Human Rights Minister sacked for sexual harassment

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Friday dismissed his human rights minister, Silvio Almeida, who had been accused of sexual harassment by several women, deeming his continued presence in the government “untenable”.

“President Lula has decided to dismiss the holder of the Human Rights portfolio” after having “summoned him for a meeting at the Planalto Palace” regarding the “serious denunciations” made against him, according to a statement published by the presidency.

“The President considers that the Minister’s continued position is untenable, given the nature of the accusations of sexual harassment,” the statement continued.

The scandal broke on Thursday evening, when the Metropoles website revealed that the Me Too Brasil association had received denunciations from several women, including that of another member of the Lula government, the Minister of Racial Equality, Anielle Franco.

The presidency said a preliminary investigation had been opened by the federal police, as well as a procedure within the government’s Public Ethics Commission.

Silvio Almeida, 48, vehemently denied the accusations in a video posted on social media, calling them “lies” and referring to a “campaign” to “affect” his “image as a black man in a prominent position in public power.”

A respected black activist, Racial Equality Minister Anielle Franco, 40, has yet to speak publicly on the issue.

This is the first moral scandal since Lula returned to power in January 2023, after two terms from 2003 to 2010.



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