Slaughterhouses and breeders sentenced for deforestation of protected reserve
DayFR Euro

Slaughterhouses and breeders sentenced for deforestation of protected reserve

The justice system in the state of Rondonia found them guilty of raising and marketing cattle in the Jaci-Parana rainforest, now… transformed into pasture. Dozens of other cases are under investigation. Among the accused is JBS, the world leader in beef processing.

A $764,000 fine for environmental damage. This is the sentence handed down to three cattle breeders and two slaughterhouses on Wednesday, September 4, reports the AP news agency in Brazil on Friday, September 6. The first for illegally grazing cattle, the others for buying them, all linked to the same farm. Traceability documents, sometimes provided by the breeders themselves, prove that the animals were transferred directly from their breeding area to slaughter.

The livestock area, Jaci-Parana, is theoretically protected, but it has been deforested to make way for pasture. There is an undeniable link between corporate activities and the environmental damage caused by illegal logging “, said Judge Inês Moreira da Costa. Most of the fine will be used to restore about 232 hectares of forest area. The companies deny their role in the deforestation and the five defendants can still appeal the judgment.

In the ongoing litigation in Rondonia, four slaughterhouses are currently involved. One of them belongs to JBS, a global giant in the processing and trading of beef, poultry and pork.



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