As the new school year begins, the Gregory Pariente Foundation warns of the double risk of asthma and allergies at school. Indeed, for asthmatic children, the back-to-school period is a high-risk time.
A spike in asthma attacks
Among those under 15, there is a peak in the number of calls to SOS médecins, visits to emergency rooms and hospitalizations. Thus, in 2023, Santé Publique France notes an increase of +36% at SOS Médecins, +78% in emergency rooms and +37% in hospitalizationswith an accentuation in the second week of the school year.
Why this resurgence?
This phenomenon of an increase in asthma at the start of the school year can be explained in four ways:
The stop of the background treatment during the holidays. The resurgence of episodes of respiratory viral infections when community life resumes. Exposure to certain allergens at school and college. Exposure to formaldehydean indicator of more general exposure to volatile organic compounds and mold in some classrooms.
How to prevent back-to-school asthma?
Back-to-school asthma is not inevitable. There are simple ways to prevent it. Here they are:
Parents must be vigilant…
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