EDITORIAL – If Emmanuel Macron appointed a business leader as Prime Minister, he would avoid the risk of principled censorship and reassure business circles. And France is full of these bosses who have a sense of the general interest at heart.
Whatever the outcome of the rumor that Thierry Beaudet, the president of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, will be installed at Matignon, these fifty days of government crisis have curiously not spilled over much beyond the political sphere. And in the treasure hunt “Who would make a good Prime Minister?”, the only names from outside the circle that were floated were those of Laurent Berger and Jean-Dominique Senard. The former secretary general of the CFDT is said to have declined twice: the first time following a suggestion from Raphaël Glucksmann, the second time after an approach from Emmanuel Macron. As for the president of Renault, he never revealed himself, but his record of service made him a completely legitimate contender: “public affairs” have always fascinated him, as demonstrated by his commitment to the report “The company, object of collective interest”, a mission co-chaired with Nicole Notat, former leader of the CFDT, which would lead to the Pacte law, as well as his conclusion of the Labor Conference, a rare project of the Refoundation Council that has prospered.
Read also“France is ready to go up in flames”, Jean-Claude Mailly, former general secretary of Force Ouvrière
The advantage of this type of profile is twofold: it does not run into the risk of censorship in principle; and it is obviously reassuring for economic circles – did not the business climate index observed by INSEE collapse in July? This is what happened in Italy, with the appointment in 2021 of Mario Draghi, the former president of the European Central Bank. But for a short period – less than eighteen months – which is often the horizon for this type of solution.
Thierry Beaudet, why not?
This is also why they are suitable for wise people at the end of their professional careers. Like Thierry Beaudet, who has behind him the management of the powerful MGEN (Mutuelle générale de l’éducation nationale) and the presidency of the influential Fédération nationale de la mutuali[…]
- challenges.fr