RN comes to the aid of Matteo Salvini, who faces six years in prison in Italy

RN comes to the aid of Matteo Salvini, who faces six years in prison in Italy

POLITICS – Don’t touch my buddy. This Saturday, September 14, Jordan Bardella and Marine Le Pen expressed their support for Matteo Salvini, the far-right Italian Deputy Prime Minister, who is being prosecuted by the Italian Justice System. Six years in prison have been requested against the leader of Lega, accused of illegally blocking 147 migrants at sea in 2019 when he was Minister of the Interior.

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Which, on this side of the Alps, made his allies in the National Rally jump. His mistake? Having protected the Italian people, their identity and their laws in the face of anarchic immigration. Full support for Matteo Salvini in the face of this campaign of intimidation and judicial persecution. “, reacted on X, the president of the RN Jordan Bardella.

« For having wanted to put an end to migrant trafficking and protect the Italian borders when he was Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini is subjected to real judicial harassment aimed at silencing him. The trial and the six-year sentence requested against him are extremely serious at a time when the migratory submersion is increasing everywhere in Europe,” added Marine Le Pen, saying: ” more than ever ” alongside the man on trial for alleged deprivation of liberty and abuse of power for holding 147 migrants at sea for weeks on a ship run by the charity Open Arms.

Human Rights VS Sovereignty

Speaking to AFP, the association’s lawyer, Arturo Salerni, confirmed that ” The prosecution has requested that former Interior Minister Salvini be sentenced to six years in prison ” The same indicated that the verdict of this trial will be known in a month. Also quoted by the news agency, the prosecutor of the Court of Palermo, Geri Ferrara, justified this requisition by explaining ” that a key principle is not debatable: between human rights and the protection of state sovereignty, human rights must prevail in our fortunately democratic system ».

It is worth noting that Matteo Salvini, who is part of Giorgia Meloni’s government coalition, had already been prosecuted on a similar charge. But the court in Catania, also in Sicily, had ordered the charges to be dropped in 2021.

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