White willow, calendula, devil’s claw…6 medicinal plants to treat everyday ailments

White willow, calendula, devil’s claw…6 medicinal plants to treat everyday ailments

Medicinal plants have occupied a prominent place in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Used to prevent and treat a multitude of ailments, they are a natural alternative to chemical treatments, with recognized benefits and diverse applications. They contain a variety of active compounds, such as alkaloids, flavonoids, and terpenes, which give them unique therapeutic properties. Among the best known, arnica is often used in gel form to treat bruises and muscle pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Back pain, migraine, hematoma, mouth ulcer, fever, rheumatism…which plant to use and in what form?

This tree, native to Europe, grows in humid areas. The bark, harvested from 2- to 3-year-old branches, contains tannins, flavonoids and salicin, a substance from which aspirin is derived. Clinical studies have shown that white willow can relieve patients suffering from lower back pain and reduce the need for inflammatory drugs. It is taken orally, in the form of a dried plant, capsule and dry or liquid extract.

Infusion: take 2 to 3 g of bark in a cup of boiling water before each meal.

And also… Yarrow.

It is one of the plants traditionally considered the most effective against headaches. It is a perennial plant that (…)

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