Emmanuel Macron believes that the French people’s suffrage must “always be taken into account”


Emmanuel Macron declared this Wednesday, December 12 before the Council of State that it was necessary to “always take into account” the “suffrage” of the French and called for more “effectiveness” of public action.

“The people, who are sovereign today, express themselves through suffrage, which must always be taken into account because it is the primary fact in any democracy,” he stressed during the opening ceremony of the Council of State, at the risk of provoking a new outcry from the left following the legislative elections.

“Reinforced culture of the effectiveness of public action”

The New Popular Front (NFP) denounced a “stolen election” after the head of state appointed a right-wing prime minister, Michel Barnier, while the left came out on top in the second round of voting on July 7.

The Head of State recalled how “our Western democracies have been deeply affected, sometimes destabilized by transitions and shocks” – climatic, energy, geopolitical – and citizens struck by the “feeling of losing control of their lives”.

Faced with this observation, he called for a “reinforced culture of the effectiveness of public action” and for a “simplification of our collective actions”, a message which was also visibly addressed to the new Prime Minister Michel Barnier.

“Guarantor of the nation’s sovereignty”

Emmanuel Macron, who emerged politically weakened after his decision to dissolve the Assembly, also reaffirmed that he remained the “guarantor of the sovereignty” of the Nation and the “independence” of justice.

The Vice-President of the Council of State, Didier-Roland Tabuteau, for his part called for judges not to be asked to “replace the public authorities in defining public policy”, an increasingly strong temptation for political actors in the absence of a majority in the Assembly.

“The judge is there neither to please nor to displease (…) His independence is the foundation of his office (…) It is the ultimate bulwark for the protection of everyone’s rights,” he insisted.

- BFMTV.com


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