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Top 14 – Grégory Alldritt on a war footing before the clash against UBB: “ is third and we are almost talking about a crisis! But it’s perfect, I love it!”

Present in front of the press this Friday, five days after ’s defeat in Saint-Sébastien against (37-7) and two days before the reception of the leader -Bègles (Sunday, 9:05 p.m., 7th day of Top 14), Grégory Alldritt looks back on a hectic week but which visibly exacerbated the appetite of Stade Rochelais.

South West mentioned a speech by President Vincent Merlin at the beginning of the week…

This is club life. Afterwards, we are quite close to the president too so we knew that he was not satisfied with this match but I think that the first to not be satisfied were us, the players. We’re all on the same wavelength. All motivated to have a great match on Sunday. After this kind of match, it’s almost the easiest weeks because everyone has been affected, everyone is really involved in the training so it gives quality weeks.

Were the president’s words “strong”?

They lived up to the match we had in Bayonne. These are discussions between the president and the athlete, I am not a fan of disclosing all this information but, in any case, we agreed with what he said. It didn’t last long. He didn’t try to convince us, we were already convinced before he spoke.

We don’t like to come across as blowjobs in front of our supporters. So it’s up to us to make sure we rectify that on Sunday.

Were there any adjustments this week in preparation?

It’s a classic week. We’re talking about a lack of attitude. It happened in Bayonne and perhaps it was good that it happened in Bayonne and not in Deflandre this weekend… Now, we are at the beginning of October, we are third in the Top 14 with four victories in six matches, we have to be excited because despite all that we are not proud of ourselves and we can produce a better game. It can only be promising for the rest of the season.

Isn’t it a chance to welcome the team in the best shape of the moment, the Union Bordeaux-Bègles?

It’s sure that this match comes at the right time (smile) […] It’s even more motivating. I think we have weapons and we don’t act small in front of them either.

What do you think of their attack, so much praised since the start of the season?

It must be said that they were very, very good offensively. We haven’t been very, very good defensively since the start of the season. We are waiting for this benchmark match in defense. And it would really be a great thing to have him face them this weekend […] I think we are much better than last year. Whether it’s physically or, in the game, technically.

You had words very quickly last Saturday to apologize to the La Rochelle supporters. Did you feel a particular momentum this week in town? A particular pressure? Are they upset?

No not at all. I received a lot of messages of support. Either way, I had no doubt, they are great. It’s more us who are upset. Because we don’t like to come across as blowjobs in front of them. So it’s up to us to make sure we rectify that on Sunday. […] All the players are concerned, it’s the luck of this group, there is no ball, no one is there just to enjoy the city of La Rochelle, we are all here to win trophies…I assures that at the start of the week, there were not many smiles.

I’m talking about player safety because we’re trying to change

Have they come back since?

A little bit, despite everything. It will be better Sunday evening I hope. It’s “only” the beginning of October. We are men, we will raise our heads and “fire”, that is. It’s just a bonus. La Rochelle is third in the Top 14 and we are almost talking about a crisis! But it’s perfect, I love it! It shows that we have ambition.

The broadcaster’s microphones picked up last Saturday your remark made to the referee of the match against Bayonne, regarding the safety of the players, in the wake of the tackle suffered against Tuilagi which was not subject to sanction . With hindsight, do you believe that this security is not always assured?

Already, I apologized to the referee at the end of the match because when I tell him that, it’s a discussion between him and me. It wasn’t at all my goal to create buzz about that. We talk, we try to challenge each other during the match. Now, I don’t know if… They decided that there was no fault so there is no fault on this point but it is certain that there are necessarily decisions that are not always fair in rugby , even if it is complicated for the referees.

I’m talking about player safety because we’re trying to change rugby. Word Rugby tries to change the rules for us every year and make it even more complicated when, on easy points, we could be more precise. We, the players, and the referees too.

The first hearing on the Auradou-Jegou affair is underway in Argentina, during this press conference. Is it “burdensome” to still have to wait to find out the decision? Is Oscar Jegou physically ready to resume competition if the case is dismissed in the coming days?

Listen, it’s long, it’s something very serious and very important so the courts will take the time they need to make their right decision. And we hope it is favorable. Oscar, yes, he is physically very ready, anyway. Physically, he has always been at the top.

The 20-minute red card experiment: “It’s an aberration”

I think this is an aberration. Rugby is still a magnificent sport and it is better to concentrate on the current rules, whether they are well refereed and well executed by the players. And stop distorting this sport too much. His experiment during the November tour? We will adapt to it, what do you want me to tell you…


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