DayFR Euro

TOP 14. The crack Louis Bielle-Biarrey ”in the continuity of Antoine Dupont, Romain Ntamack”

Last Sunday, struck a big blow by winning on the pitch at Stade Toulousain (12-16). A success which notably bears the mark of Louis Bielle-Biarrey. The 20-year-old winger once again impressed with his versatility and explosiveness.

Including in particular an essay in the first act. Questioned after the meeting by Canal +, manager Yannick Bru was full of praise for his young player. « For us, he really represents the prototype of players we want to have at home. »

For Bru, there is no doubt: Bielle-Biarrey is part of this golden generation of French rugby, that of Antoine Dupont and Romain Ntamack. “ I think he is a continuation of Antoine Dupont, Romain Ntamack… These are players who want to succeed, who want to win, who always want to invite themselves to the table of the best. »

If this comparison may surprise some, it owes nothing to chance. Like his teammates in Blue, Bielle-Biarrey impresses with his desire to surpass himself. A state of mind that Yannick Bru summarizes as follows: “ He dominates physically because he goes very fast. He’s super complete, I think he could flourish in any club in the world. At least in the older ones. »

For his part, the Bordeaux winger does not hide his ambitions, but remains lucid on the areas where he still needs to progress. In an interview with Olympic Middayhe returns in particular to his work to improve his game outside his wing: “ I was already doing it a little last season but it’s one of the things I still want to improve. »

Louis Bielle-Biarrey knows that he must constantly seek to improve if he wants to keep his place at UBB and claim the French team. “ I want to strengthen myself on the basics of the winger and full-back position, whether in offensive and defensive duels but also in the air. »

One thing is certain, the future looks bright for this young talent, already seen as one of the future greats of world rugby. « We are very happy to have it here and I hope we will keep it for a long time », says Bru.


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