DayFR Euro

Bernard Laporte gives lessons but forgets his own pans – Quinze Ovalie

Bernard Laporte, former president of the French Rugby Federation (FFR), spoke out to criticize Florian Grillcurrent president of the FFR, for his refusal to resign despite a summer marked by several scandals… Well, that rings a bell, doesn’t it?

Laporte tackles Grill for his lack of “class”

In an interview given to RMC SportBernard Laporte did not mince his words towards Florian Grill, criticizing the latter for not having left the presidency after a series of disturbing events.

This summer, the FFR was shaken by accusations of viol in Argentina involving two young players and a controversy surrounding a character video racist by Melvyn Jaminet. According to Laporte, these affairs should have pushed Grill to resign to preserve the image of French rugby. He deplores a “lack of height and class” in Grill, who, according to him, is clinging to his position.

When Laporte himself refused to leave

This speech from Bernard Laporte, however, leaves a bitter taste. Indeed, Laporte did not have the same reading of events when he himself was at the center of the legal storm.

In December 2022, he was convicted at first instance for corruption et influence peddling in the Altrad affair, but he refused to resign immediately. He only left the presidency of the FFR after an internal referendum in which the majority of rugby clubs voted against his remaining at the head of the federation.

This attitude contrasts sharply with the criticisms he addresses today to Florian Grill. Laporte, who now calls for more courage andhumilitydid not apply these principles to himself when he had the opportunity.

Does Laporte suffer from selective memory?

Laporte’s criticisms of Grill may therefore not seem legitimate given his own career. This contradiction blatant casts doubt on the sincerity of his current remarks. We could almost say that Laporte suffers from a selective memoryforgetting his own mistakes to better attack his rival.

As the election for the presidency of the FFR looms, these internal quarrels once again show the deep divisions that undermine French rugby. Laporte, who today supports Didier Codornioudoes not seem ready to turn the page and continues to position himself as a key player in rugby, despite his forced retirement.

It remains to be seen whether FFR voters will follow his advice, or whether they will consider his moral lessons to be tinged with hypocrisy.

I grew up in a family where rugby was at all times. I was at the edge of the pitch when beat and joined the elite, I was in the Stade Pierre Antoine facing Gary Whetton when he did his Haka to celebrate the 1993 Brennus and I was always rocked legends of this sport. Now, it is with XV Ovalie that I intend to extend the adventure. #TeamCO


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