DayFR Euro

Enzo Hervé on contacts with ASM Clermont: “We’ll see. We have time”

Interviewed after ’s victory over on Saturday at Mayol, the RCT flyhalf neither confirmed nor denied the rumors that send him to Clermont next season.

With 91% success against the poles, including a 7 out of 8 on Saturday during his team’s success (54-19) over Vannes, Enzo Hervé is in the top 3 of the most precise scorers in the Top 14.

A Top 14 opener targeted by ASM Clermont

On Saturday, despite the wind sweeping through the Mayol stadium, the former Brive player shone again. He explained in an interview given to our colleagues at Matin how he managed to tame the weather conditions.

Enzo Hervé was also questioned about the rumors concerning his contacts with the ASM. He responded tersely and with a smile: “We’ll see. We have time.”

One thing is certain, contacts really exist between the RCT player and the Clermont club.

Christophe Buron

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