DayFR Euro

Top 14 – Rowing facing itself!

After two scathing failures, certainly on the road, has no other alternative but to recover. Especially in his rugby.

Does Jean-Dauger have a feeling of worry? It would appear legitimate. Especially after the last two trips to and Clermont. But Joël Rey expresses another feeling: “We are rather upset, angry about our performances. Against , we showed character. In Pau, there was no character. We took a lot of tries against a team that is not a leader in the championship, in Clermont, we had to make do with scraps because we didn’t have enough good balls. We evolved a little in temperament because we could have ended up with the same score. than in Pau, but we are very far from the performance we should have, from the one we expect.”

The Bayonnais therefore no longer have a choice when it comes time to host , a team which will only have in mind to recover from its bad progress at home, certainly against Stade . “We will have to get back up to speed, in terms of commitment to precision and in concretization, continues the forwards coach. We need it. Our performance is mediocre. If these were things that we hadn’t seen, hadn’t worked on, OK… But in these three matches they were identified, known, said.”

A victory for serenity

Rowing has all the makings of a team still in the running phase which gives the impression of not having really started its season yet. “That’s exactly what it feels likesupports the forwards coach. I told the players: “Sorry guys, we’re at 50% of what we can do.” We are far from our potential. We must immediately accelerate. They are all aware of it.”

Doubt should not consume the minds of Bayonne in the face of training whose results are atypical. Two defeats at home (, Toulouse), one victory away from home (Perpignan). Not reassuring either for the Basques. “Montpellier’s strength is the forwards, analysis Joel Rey. Behind, this team has individuals who can turn a match around. But the priority remains the front duel. And the strength of Aviron Bayonnais is the forwards. Each time Bayonne was in trouble, its pack of forwards put it back in the right direction. The most important thing will be to win our match by implementing what we have worked on during the week. If we succeed, we will feel good about ourselves. The ranking will come by itself.”

There is no question of ranking for the moment. Nor the upcoming calendar. Travel to and reception of then Racing. “Today, we have to focus on Montpellier. We are not looking at the weeks to come. This weekend is essential.” Only the land occupies, in fact, the thoughts of the Basques. “We will have to be more organized defensively and efficient in the scoring area. These are the two priorities,” Martèle Joel Rey.

With that of winning this deadline. More for the serenity of the group than for any other consideration, quantified for example.


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