DayFR Euro

“A club like Brive must be in the Top 14” Curwin Bosch, recruit from CA Brive, wants to be ambitious for this Pro D2 season

“How is your adaptation going in Brive, after a decade spent in the Sharks jersey, in South Africa?
The installation went well, I have to thank the club management and the players, everyone was welcoming. I love my life in Brive. And on the rugby side, things are going very well, it makes the transition easier. I arrived as soon as training resumed, on July 1st. In my position as fly half, it was important, because you have to learn to communicate, to work on my connection with Léo Carbonneau, whose English is very good, and with Sam Johnson in the center, which is more easy because he’s Australian. The more I play with Léo, the better our understanding will be! And of course, when my French improves, it will be even better. For now, I’m working on apps like Duolingo, but classes start soon! I learned the announcements in French well, but for conversation, even in the field, where you have a few seconds to communicate in the heat of the action, it’s tricky!


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