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the easy recipe for Monday September 2

That’s it, the start of the school year is here and well and truly here!

To start this month of September off with a bang and accompany you during this pivotal week, we thought that offering you a recipe per day for your dinner would be a good idea. We’ll start with Monday’s recipe.

A complete meal or nothing

The kids are at school, the schoolbags are full, the diaries are already overloaded, and the meetings are coming thick and fast. With the minister’s schedule looming, it’s out of the question to add the burden of finding recipes. We make your life easier by offering you easy, delicious recipes that appeal to as many people as possible.

Today, risotto is in the spotlight. Why? Let’s be clear, risotto is easy to cook. Rice, a little white wine and broth and off we go Guingamp, that’s the base of the dish. To complete the story, we think of the foods that give “flavor” to our risotto, namely onions, carrots, aromatic herbs, salt and pepper. And to obtain a complete dish, we think of proteins. Here, it is shrimp that are in the spotlight but we can perfectly imagine this recipe with vegetable proteins like tofu or seitan. Also, if we don’t have fresh shrimp on hand, we think of canned fish which allow us to stock up on omega 3 for a ridiculously low cost, without the chore of shelling!

On Mondays, it’s no longer ravioli but risotto!


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