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Spanish singles look for love at the supermarket

In Spain, singles are flirting in Mercadona supermarkets, influenced by a TikTok trend. To show your interest, you just have to place certain products in your shopping cart.

A few months ago, Americans had already started the trend. Dropping everything, including Tinder, Hinge and Bumble, to go for a stroll at Home Depot (a DIY chain) and hope to find love there. As you walk through the aisles, pretend to be interested in a screwdriver or a plank of wood, and wait for a cute handyman to approach you. Nothing too complicated, but in the era of dating appsfinding love IRL (“in real life”) seems a bit outdated.

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“Flirting Time”

In Spain, the weariness of digital dating is also making its way. And it is the supermarkets that are transforming into speed-dating places, rather than the DIY chains. In Mercadona supermarkets, it is time for flirting. Between 7pm and 8pm, single Iberians influenced by TikTok go to this chain and place an upside-down pineapple in their shopping cart to signify their availability.

We owe this flirting technique to a reality TV contestant. In 2017, a contestant on the show “First Dates”, describing herself as a “hopeless romantic”, used this ploy to find Prince Charming. Spanish actress and comedian Vivy Lin was inspired by it and posted a video on August 20 in a Mercadona store. A few days later, her TikTok already had 1.6…

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