In a relationship, are you the black cat of the relationship?
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In a relationship, are you the black cat of the relationship?

In a relationship, the “black cat” theory describes a type of partner, on the same principle as the “golden retriever boyfriend”. This nickname, invented on TikTok, would concern people with personality traits associated with the mysterious animal.

The black cat theory suggests that opposites are often complementary… and bring out the best in each other. Liz Hughes, a therapist interviewed by VeryWellMind, explains that the metaphor of the black cat and the golden retriever is similar to that of “yin” and “yang.” In contrast to the outgoing and sociable golden retriever, the black cat is generally known to be more introverted and mysterious. Independent and slightly aloof, they can also be intimidating. However, once they are trusted, they are loyal, protective and affectionate. Other characteristics include being slower to trust and bond with their partner, being quieter, a good listener, and can be perceived as haughty, intimidating, although quite elegant.

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What is the impact of this theory in the relationship?

“The opposing nature of these two personality styles creates tension in the relationship. This is stimulating because it creates a constant back and forth between connection and withdrawal,” psychologist Sabrina Romanoff tells the outlet. The black cat can also draw strengths from his partner’s extroverted personality, for example in terms of sociability. In return, he can teach his more extroverted partner to respect his boundaries and…

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