Hollande opposed to a “single left-wing candidacy” in 2027
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Hollande opposed to a “single left-wing candidacy” in 2027

With just under three years to go until the election, the 2027 presidential elections are already the subject of negotiations and debates. This Sunday, September 15, 2024, François Hollande was questioned about the left’s strategy for the race for the Élysée.

Invited to the RTL-Le Figaro-Public Sénat-M6 Grand Jury, the man who is now a member of parliament for Corrèze assured that he had “never been in favour of a single left-wing candidacy.”

“We cannot imagine that Jean-Luc Mélenchon is the sole candidate of the left”

The former President of the Republic considered that there were “two lefts in France”. “There is a radical left that existed even before the Communist Party, then with the Communist Party, then today with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, then perhaps tomorrow with others. (…) And there is a reformist left that must be the first”, declared François Hollande.

The former tenant of the Élysée continued his reasoning, explaining that “we cannot imagine that Jean-Luc Mélenchon is the sole candidate of the left”, favouring, according to him, a candidate “socialist or close to the Socialist Party”, with the desire to address “all French people in order to be in the majority”.

“Moreover, the only two left-wing presidents of the Republic who were elected were elected with a plurality of candidates,” both François Mitterrand and himself, recalled François Hollande.

Asked about his own ambitions, the socialist said that his “disposition of mind” would be to “serve (his) country by choosing the right person”. Does he say “never again a presidential candidate” as far as he is concerned? “I didn’t say that”, replied the former president, who became a member of parliament for Corrèze in July.

As for the PS congress to be held in 2025, François Hollande wants it to be an “opening congress” like the one in Épinay in 1971, that is to say “a congress where we take all the families of social democracy, of French socialism and we make a large political party, from Raphaël Glucksmann to Bernard Cazeneuve, and then of course, the socialists who are members of this party”.

- BFMTV.com


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