Plant it now for a garden with the divine scent of almonds and hawthorn next spring.
DayFR Euro

Plant it now for a garden with the divine scent of almonds and hawthorn next spring.

If you dream of an enchanting garden, this is surely the tree you should turn to. An icon of beauty in gardens around the world, it sports delicate flowers, ranging from white to bright pink, creating a poetic and romantic atmosphere in the garden. And now is the time to plant it to enjoy its sublime flowering in spring 2025.

Why choose this tree for the garden?

This tree with its spectacular flowers is particularly appreciated by aesthetes around the world. You too can adopt this little gem in your garden. In Japan, this tree is at the heart of the celebration of Cherry Blossoma festival dedicated to flower viewing. This tree iconic can become the centerpiece of your garden, attracting attention with its pink and white petals which beautify everything around.

You probably guessed it: it’s the Japanese cherry tree. Besides its breathtaking beauty, this tree is very easy to maintain and is resistant to temperate climates – a plus for a dazzling garden without much effort.

Japanese cherry tree: a tree to plant this fall, before the first frosts

Autumn is the most favorable time for planting a japanese cherry tree. This period allows the tree to settle comfortably into the ground before the arrival of spring, when it will then be able to display all its splendor. Choose a location in full…- My Garden & My House


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