In Taiwan, a first aid exercise focused on natural disasters and China
DayFR Euro

In Taiwan, a first aid exercise focused on natural disasters and China

In Taiwan, this weekend of September 14-15, 200 people gathered in the suburbs of Taipei, the capital, for a civilian first aid preparedness exercise. The event, organized by two American and Taiwanese NGOs, aims to train civilians to react in the event of natural disasters that are frequent on the island, but also in the event of open conflict with China.

With our correspondent in Taipei, Jules Wood

In a schoolyard transformed for the occasion, the enthusiasm is palpable despite the seriousness of the exercise. Amidst stretchers of fake wounded people, the participants are trained in first aid like Lingshen, a professional gardener in Taiwan. « Today I learned how to bandage a wound, stop bleeding, and call for help. We’re not professionals, but at least now we understand better what to do. ” he describes.

Xié takes this training very seriously. With a medical tourniquet in hand, the forty-year-old is there above all to train in the event of a conflict with his Chinese neighbor. If we prepare properly, the Chine may not want to invade us. But if we don’t prepare, she will consider an invasion easy and may decide to attack us. “, he believes.

Since 2020, the Taiwanese association Forward Alliance, in charge of the event, has already trained more than 10,000 civilians in similar training.



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