Welcome to 2050, where in France, no one is worried about the birth rate anymore.
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Welcome to 2050, where in France, no one is worried about the birth rate anymore.

Chess and match (1/5) – While a sociologist proposed at the beginning of the week that dating apps should be reimbursed by the CAF, “20 Minutes” wondered what pro-natalist policies would look like in the future

From our special correspondent in 2050,

Everyone knows that emptying an apartment is always a tedious and sometimes even emotional moment. But for Gabriel, this Saturday in November is more like a trip down memory lane. Between the old postcards and the pretty film photos (apparently they were even back in fashion at the time!), there are a few old newspapers. While he doesn’t recognize some of the titles – many have since disappeared – one of them catches the thirty-year-old’s eye.

At the time, the front page read “Birth Rate, the Collapse.” Gabriel sighs and flips through the pages. Inside, a sociologist named Julien Damon proposed, in his latest essay The Battles of Birth Rates, “that the Allowance Funds finance subscriptions to online dating sites.” “Strange idea,” Gabriel said to himself. Today, governments no longer really have a say in the birth rate. “These decisions were a bit old school… and clearly sexist,” he said to himself. His parents even told him that at the time, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron had advocated a “demographic rearmament” in the face of the decline in fertility(…) - 20minutes

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