Here are the cities where buying is most profitable quickly
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Here are the cities where buying is most profitable quickly

In 2024, the profitability of real estate purchases accelerates in several cities. Here are which ones.

Ready to invest? In some cities, buying a property becomes profitable much more quickly than before. A study by Meilleurtaux shows that in 17 of the 32 largest cities, the period needed to make a purchase profitable has decreased. On average, it now takes 14 years and 8 months for buying a 70 m² main residence to become more advantageous than renting, compared to 15 years and 6 months the previous year.

Also discover: Buying real estate: 10 cities where life is good, with a m2 for less than €2,300

1 year and 3 months in Mulhouse and 29 years in Paris

This decline is explained by the decrease in real estate prices and credit rates in several cities. Among the most advantageous municipalities, Mulhouse stands out with a record period of 1 year and 3 months. Other cities such as Le Mans (4 years) and Le Havre (7 years) are also experiencing a clear improvement, facilitated by a drop in prices per m² and an increase in rents. However, the situation is more complex in some large cities. In Paris and Lyon, for example, the profitability period has slightly decreased, but remains high. In the capital, purchases are thus on average profitable in 29 years compared to 30 years last year. Lyon observes a greater gain, from 22 to 18 years. On the other hand, cities have seen their profitability period lengthen. This is the case of Marseille which goes from 13 years to…


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