A teacher violently hits a kindergarten student, Belloubet demands her suspension
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A teacher violently hits a kindergarten student, Belloubet demands her suspension

The resigning Minister of National Education, Nicole Belloubet, called “without delay” on Tuesday for the opening of disciplinary proceedings and the “immediate suspension” of a teacher who appeared in a video assaulting a three-year-old student in a school in Paris.

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“These images are terribly shocking and unacceptable in our School. I have immediately requested the launch of disciplinary proceedings, with an immediate suspension of the professor. I extend my full support to the victim and her family, who are being taken care of,” wrote Nicole Belloubet, on the social network X (ex-Twitter).

Violent blow to the back

On Monday, a video recorded by a parent present in the classroom showing a teacher violently hitting a crying student in the back at a nursery school in the 15th arrondissement of Paris circulated on social media. The incident allegedly occurred on September 3.

Vanessa Edberg, the family’s lawyer, confirmed to AFP that…

- ParisMatch


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