Abbé Pierre accused of sexual violence: 17 new chilling testimonies
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Abbé Pierre accused of sexual violence: 17 new chilling testimonies

New alleged victims identified. Seven weeks after the first revelations, Abbé Pierre is the target of 17 new testimonies accusing him of sexual violence allegedly committed between the 1950s and the 2000s, according to a report by the specialist firm Egaé made public on Friday.

“To date, it is possible to identify at least 17 additional people who suffered violence” at the hands of the priest who died in 2007, we can read in this report sent to AFP, which notably mentions a testimony on facts which could be similar to rape.

Minor and adult women

In total, the Egaé group, tasked on July 17 by Emmaüs and the Abbé Pierre Foundation with collecting potential new testimonies, indicates that it has received around fifty emails and twenty telephone messages as of September 2.

Egaé states that it has collected 17 testimonies – 12 direct and 5 indirect – concerning sexual violence committed against minor and adult women, testimonies which are added to the seven made public last July.

“Forced blowjobs” “penetration”…

The new testimonies report “unsolicited contact on the breasts”, “forced kisses”, “forced fellatio”, “repeated sexual contact on a vulnerable person”, “repeated acts of sexual penetration” and “sexual contact on a child”.

The facts denounced date back to a period ranging from the 1950s to the 1980s.

- ParisMatch


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