If you like movies that make your brain work, here’s a sci-fi gem that went completely unnoticed.

If you like movies that make your brain work, here’s a sci-fi gem that went completely unnoticed.

Science fiction is one of the favorite film genres of fans of the seventh art. If you are one of them, you absolutely must see this gem that has gone completely unnoticed. In addition, it is available in streaming…

The year is 2037. Faced with an overpopulation problem on Earth, the government decides to introduce the one-child policy. In a Western society like the one we live in today, where having a child is almost a miracle, this would not be a problem, but for Terrenece Settman and her seven granddaughters, it is a real headache.

This is the premise of Seven Sisters, a science fiction film perfect for fans of confusing plots that you can find on Prime Video.

>> A current streaming hit, this film between science fiction and romance will make you cry (but you will love it) <<

What is Seven Sisters about?

As we said, in the near future, families will be forced to have only one child. If a mother has more than one child, all the children except the first will be placed in cryogenic capsules. Settman’s daughter died after giving birth to seven identical twins, and their grandfather, Terrence, must find a way to hide them. The solution seems easy: each of them is named after a day of the week – the only day they can go out – and since they are twins, no one can tell the difference.

>> This science fiction film whose failure blew up one of Hollywood’s most promising careers is available to stream <<

30 years later, a problem arises: Monday…

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