our society is going down the drain

our society is going down the drain

QWhat makes “we” exist? Forgive me for the expression, but the “making society” in all its forms is annoying, and it ends up not meaning much in the “French archipelago”. To put it another way: the “we” is in trouble. We are ready to fall on our necks for a parking space or a slow start at a green light. We don’t like each other. This is nothing new, we have known it since Saint Bartholomew’s Day at least, not to mention the shorn heads of the Liberation or a certain form taken on by current political events.

Yet, until recently at least, we had meeting points, “common values” to use the big words. After ten minutes, it was said, two French people talking together necessarily broach the subject of food and, after fifteen minutes, it is wine that becomes the subject of conversation. To broaden the subject, it would be appropriate to add the address of the good baker who gets up early, the butcher who chooses his animals and the wine merchant who has a knack for finding good “small” inexpensive wines.

READ ALSO Wine special – Chablis, the safe haven

Have we wiped the slate clean of the past? What remains of our loves? Fast food, hypermarkets and supermarkets, smartphones, X networks and TikTok, narrow-minded hygienists who confuse wine and wood alcohol, vegans, useful idiots of human exploitation, have they got the better of our beautiful days? Maybe not, as excesses always engender […] Read more


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