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“I feel like I’m the puppet of a system that continues to act as if nothing is happening” – Libération

Climate emergency

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Environmental activist and director Cyril Dion expressed his frustration on Wednesday, August 28, on the show “La Terre au carré” on France Inter. Faced with political inaction after years of warning about global warming, he questions the usefulness of intervening in the media.

“Is there still any point in warning people?” This is how Cyril Dion began his first weekly column The Enchanted Struggle for Mathieu Vidard’s show on France Inter. A new recruit, the environmental activist and director will speak every Wednesday at the microphone of Earth squared. On August 28, he wondered whether warning about the environmental emergency really had an impact, when politicians and multinationals have been aware of it for fifty years. And that despite everything, according to him, the right questions are not being asked. This, while global warming is accelerating.

In your column, you express a kind of fed-up feeling. A feeling of not being listened to even though you have been warning about the ecological emergency for twenty years. Why did you talk about it at that time?

When Mathieu Vidard asked me to do a weekly column in the Earth squared, I wondered if it was really useful. This questioning comes from both annoyance and a feeling of going around in circles. I am tired of


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