everything that changes in Bordeaux schools at the start of the school year

everything that changes in Bordeaux schools at the start of the school year

Several measures have been put in place by the green municipality, ranging from “children’s streets” to “truancy” through free school supplies for CP and meals that are mainly organic and local.

Le Figaro Bordeaux

It’s back to school! This year, many changes await the 16,930 students of Bordeaux’s public schools. Among the new features, 14 “truant classes” will be inaugurated, bringing to 36 the number of schoolyards already transformed by the city hall since 2021. By 2030, environmentalists plan to plant and de-impermeable all of the city’s schools and daycare centers, for a total budget of more than 18 million euros. Major thermal and sound optimization work has also been undertaken (roof renovation, installation of solar films and blinds) and the lighting has been replaced by LEDs in many schools.

This year, the town hall is also experimenting with opening schoolyards in their neighborhood on Saturdays, in two establishments. “This system aims to ensure that users take ownership of the premises, as well as the participation of the local community network to offer activities to residents.” Five new schools will also benefit from the “children’s street”. In the 62 streets affected by this system, only pedestrians and bicycles can circulate near schools, at least when entering and leaving classes. Rue Cazemajor will be transformed into a real “garden street».

Free school supplies for CP

For the first time this year, school supplies will be free for all CP pupils, or 2,071 children. An investment that will save around 50 euros per child. “Faced with the general increase in the cost of living, I wanted the city to commit to the purchasing power of families”explains the green mayor Pierre Hurmic. “The school supplies that will be distributed to all CP students in public elementary schools in Bordeaux reflect our vision of education based on equal opportunities and eco-responsibility.” In addition to the supplies, CP students will receive a reusable metal water bottle, offered to all students entering elementary school since 2021.

Stainless steel bins will also be deployed in schools by 2025, for a budget of nearly 2.5 million euros, in order to “towards a zero-plastic canteen, for the health of schoolchildren”The share of organic (57%) and local (50%) products in the meals offered to students is “still destined to increase throughout the year, always respecting the seasonality of the products”. And «menu antigaspi» will also be implemented from September, with “more virtuous menus adapted to the needs of children”Nutritional workshops will also be offered in some schools.

The “Savoir roule à vélo” scheme, designed to teach 6-11 year-olds to ride a bike, is being extended this year to 24 new schools, or 1,000 new primary school pupils. The “J’apprends à nager” operation will be extended to the city’s swimming pools, allowing children from priority neighbourhoods to benefit from a free learning cycle, in addition to swimming cycles at school. “All these actions aim to guarantee all young people in Bordeaux learning conditions adapted to their needs”testifies the city of Bordeaux, which “makes education one of its priorities by diversifying its systems and strengthening aid to families”.


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