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The financial prosecutor’s office tracks withdrawals of 1.051 billion from a subsidiary of Fadilou Keïta’s CDC

Libération reveals that the financial prosecutor’s office opened an investigation after a complaint filed by the current general director of the Construction and Development Company (Secam SA), a subsidiary of the Caisse de Dépôts et Consignations (CDC).

1,051,000,000 CFA francs. This is the tidy sum “withdrawn without proof or consideration” from the account opened in the name of Secam SA, 60% of the capital of which had been purchased on September 5, 2023 by the CDC for the sum of 6 billion CFA francs. Appointed on May 29, 2024 to the position of general director of Secam SA following the change of regime, Mama Diakhoumpa, who discovered this “hole”, had lodged a complaint with the financial prosecutor, who ordered the Criminal Investigation Division (DIC) the opening of an investigation. The investigations, completed with the hearing of all parties, made it possible to move the case forward. The ball is now in the court of the financial prosecutor, unless agreed between the parties.

In fact, the withdrawals occurred after the acquisition of the majority of the shares by the CDC and were allegedly the work of the former majority shareholder, who still held 40% of the shares. As proof, the withdrawal operations were carried out by his two employees, while another part of the funds ended up in the bank account of a company called “Ndiaye et Ndiaye Diamond”.

Beyond that, this acquisition of a stake in the capital of Secam was itself tainted by irregularities. As proof, the Investment Committee had expressed reservations at the time which were completely ignored. Worse, the Minister of Finance and Budget had even demanded the suspension of this participation, but 4.7 billion CFA francs were swallowed up in the operation. The most serious being that the acquisition of shares was carried out without ensuring the veracity of the file sent by WhatsApp by the former managers of Secam. As proof, the land supposedly belonging to Secam in Bambilor was all under mortgage to Bimao. A simple check would have made it possible to realize this fact.


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