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remains an epicenter of drug trafficking, despite the drop in narchomicides in 2024

Nicolas Bessone (left), public prosecutor of , and Pierre-Edouard Colliex (center), police prefect of Bouches-du-Rhône, in Marseille, January 21, 2025. GILLES BADER/LA PROVENCE/MAXPPP

Even if the number of assassinations committed against a backdrop of drug trafficking was divided by more than two in 2024 in Marseille – 20 deaths, compared to 49 in 2023 –, drug trafficking and the violence of narcobanditism remain worrying threats for the second city in the country. During a joint press conference on Tuesday January 21, the Marseille public prosecutor, Nicolas Bessone, and the Bouches-du-Rhône police prefect, Pierre-Edouard Colliex, welcomed this decline in narchomicides, these assassinations which target rival clan leaders as much as small hands, whose only fault is to be present at a deal point.

Their decrease could be explained by several phenomena: the end of the war fought, in 2023, by the criminal clans DZ Mafia and Yoda; the proactive action of the judicial police, which enabled the arrest, in 2024, of several hit squads; and “adapted coercive measures taken by the prison administration to prevent high-end traffickers from sponsoring assassinations from their place of detention”.


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