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Macron plays neither yes nor name – Libération


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The Attal governmentdossier

The President, who is receiving Bernard Cazeneuve and Xavier Bertrand this Monday, should name the head of government “by Wednesday”. While the hypothesis of Hollande’s former minister shows its weaknesses, no other name seems to hold water.

Who will win the Matignon lottery? Will the lucky winner of the presidential pleasure come from the left or the right? Cazeneuve or not Cazeneuve? A “Mr. or Mrs. X” pulled out of a hat? With or without the support of the moderate left? Patience, another day or two of suspense and then I promise, “it will be by Wednesday”, whispers a friend of Emmanuel Macron. Who is still postponing his interminable reflection on the choice of Gabriel Attal’s successor. In his camp, bigwigs were urging him to decide before this Monday. Emmanuel Macron has not managed to do so.

Explanations: The President wants to continue his consultations for “find an uncensorable prime minister”according to the expression that is current at the Palace. He will therefore (finally) receive this Monday the former Prime Minister of François Hollande Bernard Cazeneuve, who is still the favorite (but much less than before the weekend), with whom he had not yet had any contact. He will also meet François Hollande, who has just sharply criticized his refusal to appoint the candidate of the New Popular Front (NFP) Lucie Castets – an “institutional error” – as well as Nicolas Sarkozy, who publicly called on him to appoint a Prime Minister from the right. Not sure that his two predecessors will be of great help to him. Another guest: the LR president of Hauts-de-Fr


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