The prefect of Mayotte, François-Xavier Bieuville, placed Mayotte under orange alert from this Saturday at 8 a.m. Change to red alert expected during the night from Saturday to Sunday depending on the evolution of Dikeledi.
As of 8 a.m. this morning, Mayotte is placed on orange alert. “Given the event which is confirmed with a trajectory which goes back towards the north, the orange alert is triggered this morning at 8 a.m.”declared the prefect of Mayotte, François-Xavier Bieuville, this morning during a press conference.
The prefecture remains very attentive to the evolution of the cyclone during the day. A move to red alert from 11 p.m. should be considered.
Winds of 50 to 60 km/h are forecast with gusts of up to 120 km/h during the day. Heavy rain is expected and could lead to flooding, floods and landslides. The west and south coasts of Mayotte should be mainly affected.
The prefect clarified, “we must take shelter now, not wait (…). From the recommendation stage, we move to the obligation stage – obligation not to think that you are an electrician, to be very careful with electricity and other installations.
Residents are invited to stock up on water and food. Homes must be secure, several accommodation centers are being set up by the municipalities.
Follow in DIRECThere, the evolution of the situation.
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