This Breton connected two islands underwater with an underwater bike… to deliver pancakes
DayFR Euro

This Breton connected two islands underwater with an underwater bike… to deliver pancakes

To deliver Breton pancakes to an islander and win a bet, Éric Le Goff opted for a rather original mode of transport, since he travelled 300 metres underwater by bike.

It’s a totally crazy bet that Éric Le Goff has taken up. This Breton has linked the Île Grande to the Île d’Aval, in the Côtes d’Armor, by bike and underwater, with an oxygen bottle on his back. Yes, by bike and underwater.

300 meters separate these two islands: a distance that he covered this Friday, September 13, in front of several curious onlookers, in about twenty minutes, according to But why on earth take on such a challenge? Quite simply, to deliver a packet of Breton pancakes to the only inhabitant of the island of Aval. “A completely stupid bet,” he explained to our colleagues at France 3.

A fifty kilo bike

But where did this completely crazy idea come from? “One day, we went to Aval Island to meet the new owner,” says the biscuit maker from Belle-Isle-en-Terre. “We brought him a bottle of wine and some cakes. We wanted to go back to offer him more cakes and we had fun imagining how we were going to take them to him at high tide.”

Before opting for the bike, Éric Le Goff first thought about making the crossing on an electric motorbike. But his friends from his mountain bike club encouraged him to opt for another means of transport. “The guys were teasing me about it. A friend ended up betting that I would never make it. That made me even more excited! I took the bet. It’s completely stupid but I’m committed to it so I have to go.”

Stung in his pride, the Breton had to adapt his bike, which weighs fifty kilos, in order to achieve this challenge. “I even went to my garage to get some lead and I melted 10 kilos of lead,” he says.

Éric Le Goff swam back and unfortunately lost his package during the crossing. No matter, the challenge was met. With his friend from the mountain bike club, “a tidy sum” was at stake. “We’ll see if he has a word! If he writes the check it will be for the association of Friends of Bellilois Heritage”, he already predicts. Until the next crazy challenge?


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