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Rain and storms, mild temperatures… What’s the weather like for the week back at school?

The back-to-school week is expected to be rainy and even stormy in some regions of France. However, temperatures should remain mild and a return of good weather from the end of the week cannot be ruled out.

Unstable weather for the return to school. In the wake of this last weekend of August, the return to school week promises to be mixed with rain and storms in some regions, and milder weather in others, according to Météo-France forecasts.

On Monday, September 2, showers are expected in Brittany, the Paris region, and the North and Center of France, while the sun will continue to shine on the Mediterranean coast.

From Tuesday, the situation deteriorates over a large part of the country with precipitation in all four corners of France. Météo-France even predicts thunderstorms, particularly towards the Rhône and the Alps. A configuration that we should find again for the day Wednesday.

“Unstable and changing” weather

In general, Météo-France forecaster François Gouraud speaks of “unstable and changeable” weather. “The forecasts for the second half of the week still need to be refined. The confidence index of our forecasts is 3/5 until Wednesday, then it goes to 2/5,” he tells

While the sky promises to be overcast in many regions, temperatures are expected to be mild and close to seasonal norms. In the northern half, François Gouraud predicts “24-25°C on average, a little warmer in the East”. And for the southern half, “26 to 27°C, with slightly cooler air in the South-West”.

This Sunday, September 1st, the meteorological summer officially ends, giving way to autumn. However, the summer atmosphere may not have said its last word yet. “It is not impossible that hot and dry weather will return,” according to François Gouraud, who believes that “a few beautiful sunny days” are still possible.


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