Having become commonplace in the national football landscape, travel bans of the public are repeated from one day to the next of the Bottle Pro You D1. Since the start of the season, many championship matches have taken place without the presence of the public of one of the two teams on the field, due to restrictions imposed by the local authorities of each city.
Next Sunday is Raja of Casablanca who will have to evolve without his audience during the shock of the 16th day against the RS Berkane. Indeed, the authorities of the town of Berkane have decided to prohibit the movement of Greens supporters for “organizational and security” reasons, in order to avoid excesses during this meeting. Before the Raja-RSB matchthe meeting which was to oppose theAS FAR au Moghreb of TetouanWednesday, counting for the 14th day, was marked by the ban on travel of the military public by the authorities of the city of Tetouan for the same reasons as for the Raja match against Berkane.
This series of bans constitutes a handicap for some teams, because the support of the public is a huge morale boost during high-stakes matches. Certainly, the numerous incidents of hooliganism that have occurred recently largely justify the decision to prohibit the movement of the public by the city authorities, but for the teams, the absence of the public, especially during away matches, has direct repercussions on the performance of players on the field.
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