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Media validation commission: Details from the president of the Cnra – Lequotidien

Mr. Publication Director

I read with interest your article entitled: “Bronca against the decisions of Minister Alioune Sall”, published in your newspaper Le Quotidien d’hier (Le Quotidien n°6538 of Tuesday December 17, 2024).

You write that “the establishment of the Commission for the examination and validation of the Declaration of press companies, which is shaking up the media landscape in Senegal, threatens to create dissension between the Ministry of Communication, telecommunications and digital (Mctn), the National Regulatory Council of
audiovisual (Cnra) and within the staff of the Mtcn, in particular certain close collaborators of Minister Alioune Sall.

Regarding the Cnra, I confirm the existence of the letter you mention, which was addressed to Minister Alioune Sall dated October 22, 2024.

For the organization that I direct, it was a question of expressing its reservations regarding this ministerial decree setting up a Commission for the examination and validation of the Declaration of press companies in Senegal which it seemed to us that it encroached the prerogatives of the Cnra.

However, following an audience that the minister was kind enough to grant me, frank explanations were given on both sides, and misunderstandings were dispelled.

Following which, the Cnra appointed an official representative who attended all the sessions of the Examination and Validation Commission whose mission could in no way cover the prerogatives of the Cnra.



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