“Two months after the municipal elections, this is the first meeting of its kind which brings together the four political parties,” the PS also said.
In Schaerbeek, the PS and the MR came out ahead neck and neck on October 13, with each 10 seats (on a council of 47), the first having inherited a slight advantage in percentage. Not far from them, Ecolo obtained 9. These three formations widened a significant gap with the following: PTB and List of the Mayor (6); Team Fouad Ahidar (4) and 1030 Ensemble of independent social liberal Georges Verzin (2).
A coalition associating the four aforementioned formations (PS, MR-Les Engagés, Ecolo and List of the mayor) would offer the “City of donkeys”, a majority of 35 seats, much more comfortable than at the start of the previous legislature which was is finally finished without.
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