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In an interview with MAP, Friday, December 13, on the sidelines of the work of the 13th edition of the annual international conference of the Policy Center for the New South (PCNS) “The Atlantic Dialogues”, Omar Hilale stressed that the Kingdom, under the leadership of King Mohammed VI, has precisely this capacity to represent the continent and defend the causes and interests of Africa.
“The Kingdom is eligible to become a member of the Security Council because, quite simply, the fundamental criterion for becoming a member is to contribute to peace and security in the world, particularly by contributing to peacekeeping forces,” explained the ambassador.
In this regard, he recalled that since the 1960s, Morocco has been among the most consistent countries in deploying its soldiers as part of the UN peacekeeping missions in the four corners of the world.
The Moroccan ambassador stressed that the Royal Armed Forces played a fundamental role particularly in Africa, thanks to their knowledge of African culture and language, but also through social action in favor of populations and the promotion of dialogue between the different communities, in accordance with the directions of the King.
The other criterion for contributing to international security is the democracycontinued Mr. Hilale, stressing that “the Kingdom, a democratic and rule-based State, remains attached to universal values and respect for the Charter and principles of the United Nations”.
It is also about the Kingdom’s ability to represent the African continent and defend the causes and interests of Africa and its countries, added the Moroccan diplomat, highlighting the active solidarity of Morocco, under the enlightened leadership of the King, with the African States.
Morocco is also fully invested in bilateral and trilateral cooperationin addition to its efforts and initiatives in mediation, he noted, adding that the role and action of the Kingdom in the field of cooperation and humanitarian assistance have been recognized and praised by the United Nations.
“As a result, Morocco has assets which legitimately allow it to be eligible, when the time comes, for a permanent position within the Security Council,” assured Mr. Hilale.
(With MAP)
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December 14, 2024 at 2:00 p.m.
Modified December 14, 2024 at 3:53 p.m.
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