168 votes out of 203 valid ballots and 23 blanks: parliament elected Karin Keller-Sutter this Wednesday without a shot as President of the Confederation for the year 2025. Devoid of real powers, the function crowns its journey in the Federal Council, which began in 2019.
The Minister of Finance can boast of a better result than the last three presidents. The liberal-radical Ignazio Cassis (president in 2022) had totaled 156 votes, the socialist Alain Berset (2023) remained stuck at 140 and the centrist Viola Amherd (this year) had not exceeded 158 votes.
As almost every time, the outcome of the vote was not in doubt. As always, the score produced gives rise to analyzes of the symbolic support shown by the Chambers towards the first among equals of the government college for the next twelve months.
The praises of Financial Times
In view of the result, the elected officials express their recognition for the leadership skills of the liberal-radical. Maneuvering in 2023 to orchestrate the rescue of the major bank Credit Suisse, the Minister of Finance had made an impression with her speed and solidity, which had earned her the distinction of being designated as one of the “most influential women » to the world by the British media Financial Times. An honorary appointment which will be confirmed or damaged in a few days upon the publication of the report of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry into the collapse of the Zurich financial institute.
The number of votes received by Saint-Galloise, however, testifies to the discontent of part of the political spectrum. This can be attributed in particular to the major program of budget cuts – which she and the Federal Council call “reductions” – launched this year.
Following the report of a small working group gathered around the former director of the Federal Finance Administration Serge Gaillard, the big financier and the government defined a range of possible financial savings. Protests multiplied. They come not only from the left, but also from the cantons and from his political family on the right, the latter hardly appreciating the proposed tax increases on capital withdrawals from old age provision.
A style that not everyone likes
The parliamentary gnashing of teeth could also result from more general assessments, linked to the style of Karin Keller-Sutter. A strong personality, the magistrate certainly enjoys a reputation as a formidable politician, knowledgeable about her files. But she also irritates some of her adversaries and allies by her way of pushing through, without worrying too much about the opinion – and sensitivities – of parliament. The term “first in class”, with which she is often given, reflects both positive and negative opinions towards her.
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