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Increase in fraud linked to false Kbis: Infogreffe sounds the alarm

Infogreffe, an essential partner of entrepreneurs and legal and accounting professionals in France, is sounding the alarm in the face of an alarming increase in fraud linked to false Kbis. This phenomenon endangers not only the financial health of affected companies but also the security of trade in general. Faced with this situation, Infogreffe recalls the crucial importance of verifying official documents.

The evolution of Kbis fraud in a digitalized world

The significant increase in Kbis fraud, observed since the massive adoption of open data and advanced technologies, is worrying. In 2024, Infogreffe recorded an increase of more than 100% in cases of Kbis fraud compared to previous yearsa phenomenon exacerbated by the growing access to personal and professional information online. Even more alarming, two thirds of French companies have been victims of at least one fraud attempt this yearand a fifth report having been targeted more than five times.

Methods used by fraudsters

Fraudsters use a variety of methods to falsify or fraudulently obtain Kbis. These techniques include phishing, database hacking and identity theft exploitation. The consequences of such scams go beyond simple financial losses: they can lead to legal charges against victims for acts committed in their name without their consent.

Impacts of fraud on businesses

The repercussions of Kbis fraud are considerable. More than 30% of affected companies suffered financial losses exceeding €10,000, and for 15%, these losses exceed €100,000. These incidents seriously damage the reputation of companies, hindering their ability to obtain loans, close deals or maintain trusting relationships with partners.

Infogreffe initiatives to counter fraud

To counter this threat, Infogreffe implements several strategies to guarantee the authenticity of Kbis. A rigorous authentication process is in place, including verification of the SIREN number, registration in the Trade and Companies Register (RCS), and confirmation of legal notices. Infogreffe strongly encourages companies to use its digital services for all necessary verifications.

Resources and solutions offered

Infogreffe does not just report risks; the organization also offers concrete solutions. The educational videos available on its YouTube channel explain how to effectively verify the authenticity of a Kbis. In addition, the Infogreffe website offers tools to facilitate the necessary legal checks before entering into commercial or financial relations.

A call for increased vigilance

Dieudonné Mpouki, president of Infogreffe, insists on the importance of transparency and reliability of commercial exchanges. “Trust is the cornerstone of commerce; We are committed to providing accurate and up-to-date data to prevent fraud and promote a fair trading environment.” Infogreffe is committed to working together with authorities and businesses to strengthen the integrity of the French economic system and protect entrepreneurs against the growing risks of fraud.

Vigilance is therefore more important than ever, and it is up to each market player to take the necessary measures to protect themselves against these increasingly sophisticated threats. The solutions are available, and it is up to each individual to implement them effectively to ensure the security of their business operations.


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