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Lausanne: Jul and Aïtor Alfonso told “the Hunger of History”

We tasted “The hunger for history”

Aïtor Alfonso and Jul were in Lausanne to tell the story of gastronomy, in words, drawings and dishes.

Published today at 10:30 a.m.

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If you haven’t read yet “The Hunger for History”run and get it at The Unexpected! On Wednesday, the small comic book store welcomed its authors – the cartoonist Jul and the food critic Aïtor Alfonso, aka Sauce Gribiche on Instagram – for a signing session. That evening, the Parisian duo were then at the Café Saint-Pierre to offer tastings of their book of recipes. Four dishes concocted by chef Guillaume Raineix were inspired by the book, which tells the great history of gastronomy in drawings and funny and scholarly texts.

“Sake evening!”

As an appetizer, a gravlax salmon nigiri evoked the chapter “Sake evening!”, one of the schoolboy subtitles concocted by the authors (who are already planning a 2e opus, as they laugh at the chapter titles). The opportunity for Aitor Alfonso to teach the audience that vinegared rice was originally a means of preservation, thrown away by the Japanese who only ate fish. “They ended up eating the packaging,” he summed up.

The entry “Finish your ascetic!” was necessarily vegetarian, with garam masala spices, to evoke Gandhi and remind us that “eating is political” and that his non-violent diet laid the foundations for veganism.

As a main course, “The War of the Pot-au-Feu” took us back to the time of Cro-Magnon man and the discovery of pottery, “as important as the discovery of fire”. “It is thanks to pottery that we were able to cook meat and make it more digestible and rich in nutrients. Before that, fat was only found in the marrow of bones.”

The dessert of frangipane and mascarpone whipped cream evoked “Catering de Medici”, the famously gourmand queen who allegedly made the court eat… vegetables. The unique event was signed by Lausanne à Table and BDFIL.


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“24 Heures” has always followed the gastronomic and culinary news of the canton. Receive, every Friday, a selection of articles on catering, cooking, local products and wine.

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Cecile Collet has been a journalist in the Vaud section since 2010. She covers wine and gastronomic news in particular. She is also co-responsible for the Portraits section.More informations @CcileCol

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