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Geneva presents a plan to combat domestic violence, at its highest level in 10 years –

The year 2023 was heavy in terms of domestic violence in Geneva. The number of reported cases, almost 2,000, is up 11%, the highest in 10 years. The Canton presented an action plan on Thursday.

In total, 1,939 offenses were recorded last year in the canton of Geneva. Part of the increase is due to the fact that this violence is better detected, because the population and institutions, in particular the police, are better aware. But according to the Canton, this does not explain everything: there would indeed be a real increase in violence.

According to these figures, whether it is psychological, sexual or economic violence, the pattern is almost always the same: 84% of perpetrators are men and 88% of victims are women. The vast majority of perpetrators are partners or ex-partners. Furthermore, 12% of cases concern children.

>> Also listen to the Forum topic:

Domestic violence is increasing at a worrying rate in Switzerland: interview with Emilie Flamand and Philippe Bigler (video) / Forum / 8 min. / yesterday at 18:00

Awareness, protection and coordination

The Council of State therefore wishes to respond in the form of a four-point action plan, the first of which aims to raise awareness from a very young age. Sex education classes in schools will be strengthened, with an emphasis on consent. For adolescents who are experiencing their first romantic relationships, particular emphasis will be placed on domestic violence.

>> The subject of 12:30:

The canton of Geneva adopts an action plan against the increase in domestic violence / 12:30 p.m. / 1 ​​min. / yesterday at 12:33

“These courses are sometimes the subject of controversy or dispute, but they are an essential tool in preventing abuse,” notes State Councilor Nathalie Fontanet. “The gendered dimension of violence appears from the age of 13 at the time of the first experiences of a couple with already a desire for control and insults.”

The second part concerns the protection of victims, which will be further strengthened. “We have launched several campaigns which allow victims to contact associations,” announced the President of the Council of State in the 12:45 p.m. An electronic bracelet project is being studied and psychological support will also be developed.

>> See also the subject of 12:45 p.m.:

The Geneva State Council presents the figures for domestic violence in 2023 and an action plan to combat it / 12:45 p.m. / 1 ​​min. / yesterday at 12:45 p.m.

Better support for authors

Support for perpetrators of violence will also be strengthened to prevent reoffending. Because in this respect, the situation has worsened: only 70% of aggressors attend the sociotherapeutic interview.

This plan will be rolled out until 2028. Finally, the Canton points out that the cases identified are only the “tip of the iceberg”. It wants to launch a major survey of 10,000 people selected at random, men and women, to better assess the extent of the submerged part.

Anouk Pernet/Camille Rivollet/jop


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