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The former Geneva Comedy returns to the Maison de la Marionnette

The Geneva Puppet Theater (TMG) will be located in the building of the former Comédie (archives).


The former building of the Comédie de Genève returns to the ‘Maison de la Marionnette’ project. The Administrative Council of the City of Geneva approved the jury’s choice on Thursday.

A call for applications was launched in December 2023 in order to develop a project with a social and cultural vocation in this building. Twelve entities requested the application file and five admissible files were submitted before the closing date of March 20, 2024, the Administrative Council reported Thursday in a press release.

An external selection jury examined these five proposals and held auditions. Following this procedure, he recommended the ‘Maison de la Marionnette’ project, supported by the foundation of the Geneva Puppet Theater (TMG). This will move its current offering and will offer, in particular, a puppet museum, socio-cultural and intergenerational workshops, as well as a professional training component.

Among the five files studied, the jury also noted the quality of the project entitled ‘Comedy of the Ages’, carried out by a consortium bringing together AVIVO, the Geneva Liaison Group of Youth Associations (GLAJ-GE) and the association Tragedy. An alternative should be found, he said.

The new Comédie in the Eaux-Vives district replaced the old historic Plainpalais theater in the spring of 2021. Since then, the latter had been rented occasionally to artists.



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