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Should Céline Tellier have resigned after the PFAS scandal? “I was pushed towards the exit door for much less than that”

This Tuesday morning, it was Jacqueline Galant, Walloon MP for the MR, who was Maxime Binet’s guest in Café sansfilter, broadcast on LN24.

The residents of Chièvres and its surrounding areas have received the results of their blood test. For some, the PFAS dose was 25 times higher than the norm. Citizens were asked not to communicate their results. A press conference is planned for Tuesday.

This is a file that has been poorly managed from the start“, believes Jacqueline Galant. “It’s a health scandal. We played with the health of the inhabitants of the surroundings of the commune of Chièvres.”

PFAS pollution, here are the risks and recommendations for your health: “Two groups of the population must be particularly protected”

Citizens drank contaminated water for more or less 17 months“, she laments, specifying that “seven months later, citizens have only received the results“. She also regrets the lack of information regarding possible treatments for affected citizens.

During the electoral campaign, some criticized Céline Tellier (Ecolo), outgoing Walloon Minister of the Environment, of having wanted to hide the results before the elections. Jacqueline Galant specifies that she will request a new hearing from the minister this afternoon.

PFAS contamination: the independent Scientific Council defends Minister Tellier’s timetable

For Jacqueline Galant, Céline Tellier “didn’t do the job, she didn’t take her responsibilities“. “I am going to ask that we set up an Environment Commission to hear the minister and, subsequently, I think that the new government will have to think about setting up a commission of inquiry.”

I was pushed towards the exit door for a lot less than that“, she continues.

Jacqueline Galant then returned to her swearing-in this afternoon. Its main priority remains increasing the employment rate. “Having the PS outside the Walloon government is already a reform“, she tackles.


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