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June 24, International Day of Women in Diplomacy: Women and global diplomacy


Women, as we all know, are realists, but they are also realists who, while keeping their feet on the ground, also keep their eyes fixed on distant horizons. Global standards play a vital role in establishing benchmarks that the international community must respect and countries must implement.

Historically, diplomacy has been the prerogative of men. Women have played a vital role in diplomacy for centuries, but their contributions have often been overlooked. It is time to recognize and celebrate how women are breaking barriers and making a difference in diplomacy.

In 2014, 143 countries guaranteed equality between men and women in their constitutions. 52 other countries had not yet taken this step. Advocacy for increased representation of women in key decision-making positions will help shape and implement multilateral programs.

Between 1992 and 2019, women represented 13% of negotiators, 6% of mediators and 6% of signatories in peace processes around the world.

Gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls will crucially contribute to progress across all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets.

The systematic integration of a Gender perspective in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is crucial, especially since SDG 5 requires equal participation of women in decision-making.

At its 76th session, the General Assembly declared by consensus that June 24 would be the International Day of Women in Diplomacy. By its resolution (A/RES/76/269), the Assembly invited all Member States, United Nations organizations, non-governmental groups, academic institutions and associations of women diplomats – where they exist – to celebrate this day in the manner they deem most appropriate, including through education and public awareness.


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