DayFR Euro

Legislative elections 2024: “We have to fight so that the RN does not pass,” says Blues striker Marcus Thuram

He is the first Blue summoned for Euro 2024 to take such a clear position against the National Rally. Referring to the upcoming legislative elections, the striker of the French football team, Marcus Thuram, declared that it was necessary “fight so that the RN does not pass“, during the vote scheduled for June 30 and July 7.

I think the situation is sad, very serious“, underlined the Inter Milan player at a press conference, two days before the French enter the Euro-2024 against Austria. “I learned this [la victoire du RN aux Européennes, ndlr] after the match against Canada, we were all a little shocked in the locker room. We must tell everyone to go and vote, to fight on a daily basis so that the RN does not pass.”

“It’s not enough to say that we have to go and vote”

Until now, all the French players questioned about the political situation in France had simply said that we had to mobilize to vote, without taking sides, like Ousmane Dembélé. “I hope everyone shares my opinion, it’s not enough to say that we have to go and vote, we have to explain how we got there“, explained Marcus Thuram.

I don’t think it’s very complicated to express yourself on this, it comes from my education, I know that lots of people follow me on the networks, I am obliged to convey certain messages. Growing up with my father, I feel responsible for keeping this kind of message“, continued the son of Lilian Thuram, the 1998 world champion known for his commitment to anti-racism.

I have no doubt that everyone in the French team thinks like me. I’m not here to force anyone to say something even if they mean it. Thanks to my father, I have enough control over this situation to be able to talk about it“, added the footballer.


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