DayFR Euro

Weather for Friday June 14: rise in morning temperatures and return of showers

Highlights of the day :

– sharp increase in morning temperatures: +4 to +6°C compared to the day before in the northern 2/3 of the country

– strengthening of the southwest wind in the afternoon in the northwest with gusts of 50 to 60 km/h

– heavy showers, locally stormy near the Channel in the afternoon

– big difference in temperatures in the southwest: 19°C in Bordeaux in showers compared to 28°C in Toulouse in the sun

Morning :

A disturbance gives light to moderate rain from the north of New Aquitaine to the northeast and up to the north of the Alps. Behind the disturbance, clearings return from the northwest with a little instability and a few showers near the Channel. The dry weather persists over a southern third of the country with skies hesitant between clouds and clearings. The southwesterly flow puts an end to the morning coolness of recent days with temperatures rising sharply.

Significant increase in morning temperatures between Thursday and Friday © The Weather Channel

Afternoon :

The sky remains cloudy from Aquitaine to Alsace and the Alps with a few more showers. Unstable weather concerns the north-western regions with a sustained south-westerly wind and locally stormy showers between Brittany and Normandy. The weather conditions are more pleasant from the Charentes to the Paris Basin with cloudy periods and more or less beautiful clearings. The weather remains dry from the Pyrenees to the south of the Alps and to the Mediterranean with the sun more or less veiled by high altitude clouds. Temperatures are contrasting with 16°C in Cherbourg but 28°C in Toulouse.

Evening :

Very unstable weather affects the regions near the English Channel with showers sometimes taking on a stormy character. New rains are moving up from the southwest towards the Massif-Central. They can take on a stormy character between Midi-Toulousain and Auvergne. In the rest of the country, showers remain rare and the sky is often changeable.

A very variable weather experience depending on the region this weekend © The Weather Channel

Developments for the coming days

For this weekend, the weather promises to be unstable on Saturday over a large part of the country with clearings, cloudy periods and showers. The latter will be more frequent near the Channel with wind. Sustained and sometimes stormy rains will affect the center-east at the start of the day. On Sunday, weather conditions are expected to be pleasant in the south and east while the weather will remain unsettled in the northwest with showers and wind.


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